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Healthy Brushing- Your Key to a Healthy Smile

Writer's picture: Dr. Akash PrasadDr. Akash Prasad

Brushing your teeth is crucial to maintain good dental health. Brushing removes the bacteria that promote tooth decay and some plaque that can cause gum disease. You brush your teeth on a daily basis. But do you think you know the proper technique to do it? Here’s a simple brushing technique to keep your pearly whites healthy:

Modified Bass Brushing Technique

The Modified Bass Brushing Technique is the most widely accepted and most effective method of brushing for adults. Following steps will help you practice the modified bass technique with much ease:

1. Place the brush at 45°

angle to the front

tooth surface. Bristles

must contact both

lines of tooth and


2. Move the brush in a small jiggling, circular motion.

3. Clean the inside surface of

the back teeth by moving

the brush in a small back

and forth motion.

4. Clean the inside surface of

the front upper teeth by

tilting the brush

vertically using small

up and down strokes.

5. Clean the inside surface of

the front lower teeth by

tilting the brush vertically

using small up and down


6. Move the brush in a back and forth motion to clean the biting surfaces.

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